1. Where to find the presentation? * mathphys.info/~trix/masterinfo.pdf 2. Dauer des Immatrikulationsprozesses? * "Von der Aufgabe des Briefs mit den Immatrikulationsunterlagen bis zum Erhalt des Studentenausweises etc. hats 6 Tage gedauert bei mir." 3. Angewandte Informatik Networking * "To all Angewandte Informatik starter this semester, I would create a messanger group (WhatsApp, Telegram, whatsoever) for quick updates etc.. If someone is interested, just email me: tz251@stud.uni-heidelberg.de" 4. Is there an official online portal through which to register for courses, or do you simply email professors? * For example in the Computer Engineering Masters normally you dont need to register, currently in the LSF there are links to the moodle courses. * For physics, if you need to register its throught https://uebungen.physik.uni-heidelberg.de/uebungen/ * MathInf Department uses https://muesli.mathi.uni-heidelberg.de/lecture/list * But not all courses require registration, unfortunately you need to check for some courses individually * Sometimes in the LSF there are links to homepages from the institutes giving the course, often there you'll find the information if and where to register 5. There is no information/update regarding fees, like how to pay and is there any reduction in fees due to current pandemic and online lectures?? * Direct these queastions at the ZUV, where you will receive legal information 6. Does the theater include possibilities to join the actual plays? Maybe acting lessons or something related? * There are many theatre clubs in Heidelberg you can join. Be wary of auditions, which are offered only once a year. 7. Is there a place to look up the different student groups? * there is an offer by the StuRa called the "Dschungelbuch". But I am afraid it is only available in German https://dschungelbuch.stura.uni-heidelberg.de/index.php?title=Dschungelbuch 8. What is SWS? * Semesterwochenstunden (weekly semester hours) 9. Is an enrollment key (in Moodle) something that you need for each course or something that you get from administration once you've paid your fees? * Enrollment keys are given by the lecturer at the beginning for each individual course 10. Do international students need to pay fee for this semester? * 1500 Euro pro Semester for international students * If you are married or connected via family relationship to an EU citizen (see the specific rules), you don't have to pay the 1500 Euro fee. * But how international students should pay fees?? there's lockdown in my country currently and i am in my home country * I believe there is a bank transfer to pay the fees. 11. Is it possible to take a course offered in german and do the examination in english? * Yes, it is. You should ask the lecturer in advance to be sure about it. 12. So there is a course by course selection (via whatever online mode the lecturer chooses) and no overall track of total courses a person takes? * 13. I googled "fachstudienberater" for Heidelberg advising but its only in German, is there an English alternative? Thanks * https://www.physik.uni-heidelberg.de/organisation/studienberater?lang=en * In general you can change the language of the page in the top right corner of the webpage 14. What is the usual mode of examination ? (written/oral/presentation etc) * Can bei either one, depends on the lecture and lecturer. 15. Is the grade of the exam the grade you get in that module? * It depends.Sometimes you have just an exam which decides and somtimes you also work on a project, which will make up the grade. 16. Can you please explain elaborately that what exactly we have to do in mandatory masters seminar?? * SciCom: https://www.mathematik.uni-heidelberg.de/2019/MHB_SciComp_MSc_SS2019.pdf * Maths: https://www.mathematik.uni-heidelberg.de/2019/MHB_Mathematik_MSc_SS2019.pdf * Computer Engineering: https://www.ziti.uni-heidelberg.de/ziti/uploads/master/MScTI_Modulhandbuch_V1_14_Web.pdf 17. If one is not interested in a certain course (after certain weeks of classes), is there a compulsion to take that exam? * No it isn't. Sometimes you will be automatically registered to the exam, if you achieve the admission in these first weeks, so you have to deregister and inform the lecturer. 18. We are asssigned rooms from Studierendenwerk and my rental period starts from 1st may. What do you suggest should I keep it or let it go?? please suggest me according to current pandemic situation * We don't know when the pandemic will end, but probably the quarantine will just continue a few weeks/months. Regarding that you will stay in Heidelberg for a few semesters we would advice to keep the room even if you have to pay a month or two without staying there, as a room in a dorm is a great opportunity and quickly taken. 19. How should I go about deciding my application area? I'm in the second semester of scientific computing, and yet have no clue about the 18CPs * look for something from your bachelor or ask the professor you might want to do your doctorate with